
Shameless Plug

Although the connotation of the word may be a bit negative, I must admit that I respect the effort. 

Plan to Pivot

It is natural to panic or have anxiety when you are greeted with bad news. Planning to pivot means you are willing to make a move that will change your circumstances.

Consistency is Key

Learning to be committed to something is a life skill that will translate into your business, relationships, and family.

The Student Remains a Student

As a student, you naturally hunger for more information. You can come to your teacher with questions, and like a sponge, soak up the knowledge that they surround you with.

Wake Up Mr. West!

Having a wake-up song is much deeper than feeling good. It is starting your day and creating a powerful atmosphere in your space. 

Why You?

Many people believe that passion just falls into your lap. Unfortunately, life rarely works that way.